Well I think it's time to tell you a little bit about myself and what I do. I've been in the biz of making spoon jewellery and home décor items for years (actually decades) now. But it wasn't until the Covid crisis that I decided to really put some oomph into my website and online presence. Not a unique thought for any artist/artisan in this day and age, I know. But certainly enough time to embrace the learning curve that is social media and online sales. So, here goes...
I was inspired (by my handy Dad actually) to try my hand at upcycling silverware back in the mid 90's while I was still studying music. It was a good fit with apartment and province hoping until we settled in Halifax. Steadily Hunter Street Silver grew with the more shows I did and the more shops that started to carry the line. There is a lot of old silverware in the Maritimes and is definitely a touchstone for a lot of childhood memories - so custom work with client's silver became a big part of HSS as well. Then a move a few years ago, just over the border, to Sackville, NB. I'll share some studio pics in my next blog post.

For now, have a look at what I do and I'll get back to making some loot!
Talk soon, Jenn (: